留学生essay范文:高接触服务 High Contact Service



Keywords: high contact services, high contact service example

Summary of the Reviewed Article

High-contact service industries are those in which service employees and customers have close and direct interactions for a prolonged period of time (Chase, 1981). A high-contact environment of services has the characteristics of longer communication time, understanding of communication, and richness of the information exchanged (Kellogg and Chase,1995). In this article, the impact of employee satisfaction on, quality and operational performance in high-contact service industries is investigated. The hypothesized relationships among employee satisfaction, service quality, customer satisfaction, and firm profitability are examined. Employee satisfaction plays a significant role in enhancing the operational performance of organizations in the high-contact service sector. Firm profitability has also a moderate effect on employee satisfaction, which lead to a ”satisfaction-quality-profit cycle’. The reason of conducting this research is that the research in operational management to investigate the relationships between quality, customer satisfaction and business performance has been conducted (e.g., Heim and Sinha, 2001; Balasubramanian et al., 2003; Nagar and Rajan, 2005), but research on the impact of employee satisfaction on operational performance is relatively scarce. In order to represent the whole service firm, service employees are often the first party and therefore are essential to shaping customers’ perception of service quality (e.g., Parasuraman et al., 1985; Hartline and Ferrell, 1996). Service employees’ job is considered as a ‘three-cornered fight’, in which the organization and customer are at the two ends, while service employees are ‘caught-in-the-middle’ among them, Bateson (1985). It is important for service employees to meet the target of productivity performance in the organization and to fulfill customers’ needs and external quality goals.
