记住每个句子只描述一个main idea,短句永远比长句更好理解,尽量每句话不超过25个词,避免长句晦涩难懂。下面介绍一些常用表达,可以在对写作不熟悉的时候套用,来加速完成Essay。
①开头Top sentence:开头永远是最重要的部分,好的开头让读者清楚这篇文章是写什么的,并吸引读者兴趣。首先思考你要陈述的问题是在什么背景下发生的,一句话简述背景或解释专业名词,如:
For the past时间,主题 has attracted tremendous attention due to原因。
xxx is one of the leading causes of xxx in the world, affecting…
Throughout history and through a cross-section of …, people have different opinions on…
… has been a controversial issue for years.
To our knowledge there are a limited amount of research focusing on… This Essay aims at…
Looking back on…, xxx is still unclear. This Essay is focusing on the mechanism of …
In this Essay … will be discussed in xxx sections
Bytesting the xxx, we demonstrate that …
As millions of cases demonstrate, …
This presents a typical example of…
To give an illustration, …
The evidence of … highlights that …
According/referring to xxx, …
As xxx argued the concern,…
衔接可以让Essay更流畅,逻辑性和理解性更强。常用衔接词有Similarly; Likewise(表同义); However;In contrast; While(表转折); Moreover; Furthermore(表递进)。
给下一段打铺垫:The next section provides a discussion of…
呼吁上一段:Building on the previous idea that…, we explore the…
A recent statistical study shows that
Figure x indicates that…
Xxx is shown in table x.
This means that…
有问题就有导致问题的原因Some factors are accountable for the above phenomenon, xxx…
有问题就有针对问题的方案xxx is a powerful key to solve the mentioned problem.
标志性短语:In conclusion, In brief, In short, Above all, Consequently, All things considered…
例句:Clearly, this assignment has shown that the main factors are …
To conclude, … has been demonstrated in this assay.
All things considered, we have shown that …
(Introduction)For the past时间,主题 has attracted tremendous attention due to原因。Based on方法, this Essay aims to provide a discussion ofwhether 论点。A vast majority of AAA believe that观点1+解释。However, many BBB people argued that观点2 +猜想。In 2020, a new sight was pointed out by CCC, the main difference is that…
(Main body1) As millions of cases demonstrate, …主观点。The next section provides a discussion of…
(Main body2) Building on the previous idea that…, we explore the…副观点。A recent statistical study shows that …证明观点。
(Mainbody3) In contrast,反证
(Conclusion)All things considered, we have shown that … We expect… as a powerful key for the further discussion/analysis.

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