


那么,今天PJ Course•小编就从Essay写作常用词汇和表达方式,来看看如何能够更好地遣词造句。



 Recently, there has been growing interest in …

 The possibility of … has generated wide interest in …

 The development of … is a classic problem in …

 The development of … has led to the hope that …

 The … has become a favorite topic for analysis …

 Knowledge of … has great importance for …

 The study of … has become an important aspect of …

 A central issue in … is …

 (The) … has been extensively studied in recent years.

 Many investigators have recently turned to …

 The relationship between … and … has been investigated by many researchers.

 Many recent studies have focused on …

▷ This system/process/idea has its problems. ▷ There remains the issue of reliability. ▷ This model has some serious liminations. ▷ Few solutions have been found to … ▷ Little progress has been made in … ▷ The problem remains as to how … ▷ Researchers still have to find a way to …

引出设问句 ▷ It is uncertain/unclear … ▷ It has not been determined … ▷ It is necessary to consider … ▷ The question remains … ▷ Current studies provide little information on … ▷ We need to know/consider … ▷ There is some question as to … ▷ Another issue raised by this study is …

引用/简述他人的研究或观点 ▷ XXX + Verb. + n./that … 其中动词可以使用:state, claim, argue, maintain, suggest, assert, hypothesize, conclude, describe, develop, propose, find, show, report, use, study, demonstrate, note, discuss, observe, explain, expand, publish, give, examine, analyze, focus, presume, speculate, assume, support, theorize, contend, recommend
▷ 其它:Based on …/ In the view of …/ According to …

引用数据/图表/表格 ▷ 常用的动词: show, present, illustrate, summarize,  list, report,demonstrate, contain, provide, give, reveal, display, indicate, suggest, describe, …
▷ as从句: As shown in …/ As can be seen in …/ As revealed by …

表达原因 ▷ be due to ▷ be attibuted to ▷ be accounted for ▷ be a consequence of ▷ stem from

▷ be named ▷ be called ▷ be denoted by ▷ be known as ▷ be defined as ▷ be referred to

表达可能性 ▷  It is 句式 • It is certain that … • It is almost certain that … • It is very probable/ highly likely that … • It is probable/likely that … • It is possible that … • It is unlikely that … • It is very/highly unlikely that …
▷ There is 句式 • There is a definite possibility that … • There is a strong possibility that … • There is a good possibility that … • There is a slight possibility that … • There is little possibility that …

表示例外 ▷ With the exception of … ▷ Apart from … ▷ Except for …

▷ Similarly, … ▷ Likewise, … ▷ In the same fashion, … ▷ As in X, in Y … ▷ Like X, Y … ▷ The same … ▷ X is similar/comparable to Y ▷ X resemble Y ▷ X correspond to Y

▷ In contrast, … ▷ Unlike X, Y … ▷ In contrast to … ▷ On the other hand, … ▷ …; however, … ▷ …, but … ▷ Whereas/While …, … ▷ …, whereas/while … ▷ X differ from Y ▷ X is different from Y ▷ X contrast with

我们终于分享完了Essay写作中 常用的词汇和表达方式 如果对于写作还有疑问, 欢迎大家来询问PJ Course•的客服哦!

PJ Course于2005年成立,是一家专业服务于留学生-essay辅导的机构。目前已帮助上万+留学生提升英文写作水平,处理学业上的疑难杂症,帮助他们达到学业目标。